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Everything You Need To Know About Mean Stack Development

MEAN Stack is essentially a set of JavaScript-based web development technologies including MongoDB, AngularJS, ExpressJS, and NodeJS. These technologies work together to build up a web application. As a client, AngularJS makes AJAX calls to ExpressJS returning a response in JSON format. ExpressJS running on NodeJS Server later communicate with MongoDB as a persistent medium. Due to the astonishing features offered by Mean Stack development, several individuals and companies prefer to hire Mean stack developer for their project

Why Is MEAN Stack The Best?

The key advantage of the MEAN stack is that it’s really swift to prototype with. Node.js lets you make use of Javascript on both the backend frontend which saves your efforts to learn the individual language. Additionally, the NoSQL nature of MongoDB facilitate to swiftly modify the data layer without any concern about migrations, this is an extremely important feature when you’re trying to make a product with no apparent specifications. Moreover, these technologies have a huge community support behind them thus getting answers to the quarries or hiring assist will be much convenient using these technologies.

MEAN Stack Technologies


MongoDB is a document-oriented, cross-platform database that offers high availability, high performance, and easy scalability. It operates on the concept of document and collection. MongoDB is a sort of NoSQL database. Same as a NoSQL database, MongoDB avoids the relational database’s table-based structure to adapt JSON-like documents having dynamic schemas called as BSON.


Express is a flexible and minimal Node.js web application framework that offers a powerful set of features for web and mobile applications. Express.js and Node.js have given brand new back-end functionality to the JavaScript facilitating mean stack developer to make software with JavaScript on the server side.


AngularJS is a structural framework which allows building dynamic web apps. It allows you to make use of HTML as your template language and enlarge HTML’s syntax to clearly state components of your application. AngularJS’s dependency injection and data binding help you to get rid of much of the unnecessary code.


Built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, Node.js is a runtime JavaScript framework. It makes use of a non-blocking I/O and event-driven model that turn it into an efficient and lightweight framework. Package ecosystem, npm, incorporated in Node.js, is the biggest ecosystem of open source libraries around the globe. It is mainly used for building networking and server-side web applications.

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